Beware Of The Fakes Puchi Vocaloid


Good Smile Company once again updated their Imitation Page with the addition of “Nendoroid Puchi Vocaloid #01” set.

I don’t think there’s a need for explanation for this, since the pictures are clear on what’s wrong or not. Blue are fakes, Red are Genuine.













Probably the worst one I’ve seen. Just be careful guys!!

Via GSC Info Section.


22 Responses to “Beware Of The Fakes Puchi Vocaloid”

  1. Atoli Says:

    They aren’t even trying D:

  2. Pacthesis Says:

    These are a disgrace to bootlegs. I mean… these just look bad!

  3. Ami Says:

    LOL I don’t know who the heck would willingly buy these bootlegs. Look at poor Luka. She looks the worst from the bunch.

  4. mily Says:

    I love the one where they used the completely wrong hair colour haha!

  5. Nopy Says:

    I feel sorry for the people who don’t know much about figures and end up buying these bootlegs.

  6. Zanber Says:

    It seems much harder to make high quality duplicates when it comes to small yet nicely painted and nice amount of detailed figures like nendo puchi.

  7. Tiberis1221 Says:

    Oh god, thats like a little kid copying art ^^;
    Isn’t there a list of bootleg sites??

  8. 杏仁とォふ Says:



  9. satoman Says:

    These fake ones have keychains on the top of their heads? Looks very cheapo.

  10. Tasunke Says:

    Wow, what horrible bootlegs.
    Half (or more) of these look like they’re stoned or something. XD

  11. Steve Says:

    Is there any official advice on what to do if you see a store selling bootlegs?

  12. Kesenaitsumi Says:

    Wow… Scary.

  13. Ninjovee Says:

    There have been several trading figures (besides these) that have bootlegs with keychains attached to them… either way… a serious collector would probably be too picky to pick the bootlegs because of how they look.

  14. - A Fusion of Japan's Otaku and Popular Culture Says:

    […] to wcloudxkumo for picking up this useful piece of information on the GSC info section. Tagged as: […]

  15. mikumiku Says:

    i saw these they suck big time they eve sell them in keychains.

  16. all abouts Japan subculture » Nendoroid Puchi Vocaloid ของจริง vs ของปลอม! Says:

    […] : wcloudxkumo via […]

  17. garturo62 Says:

    the fake ones make the real ones look so much better

  18. garturo62 Says:

    hope they also put the fake death note puchis on there.

  19. Reltair Says:

    Besides looking very much like fakes due to the inferior quality, they have keychains on top of their heads…

  20. Nanaya Shiki Says:

    Not the worse ones I’ve ever seen…

  21. yakuri Says:

    @Nanaya Shiki: oh wow! I lol’ed so hard when I saw that poor Saber, it’s like she just knows she’s the worst bootleg out there and curses her creator.

  22. Otaqueen Says:

    I saw those at an arcade near Kamimaezu! They were prizes.
    I should have taken a picture! T0T

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